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Showing posts from January, 2022

Chronology of the Life of Simon Peter, the Apostle (work in progress)

 1     Born son of Jonah at Bethsaida Married, settled in Capernaum Meets Jesus through his brother, Andrew Called to follow Jesus Confesses Jesus as the Christ. Receives name "Peter" (the Rock) Denies Christ before crucifixion  Restored to fellowship by Christ after the resurrection  Preaches to crowd at Pentecost, 3000 converted  With John to Samaritans  @ Lydda @ Joppa To Cornelius @ Caesarea  44     Imprisoned at Jerusalem when James martyred; released Goes to "another place"  50     Jerusalem Council Paul writes letter to the Romans Possible extended period at Rome (to Jewish Christians?)  Mark's Gospel written at Rome 1 Peter  2 Peter  64     Peter martyred at Rome 

Progressive sanctification

Many of us are familiar with the following distinction (from the New City Catechism ):  Q: What Do Justification and Sanctification Mean? A: Justification means our declared righteousness before God, made possible by Christ’s death and resurrection for us. Sanctification means our gradual, growing righteousness , made possible by the Spirit’s work in us. Sanctification, or, more precisely, progressive sanctification is the gradual process of change by which we actually become more holy.  Whereabouts in Scripture is this taught?  There are certainly plenty of instances of the command, "Be holy." (e.g. 1 Cor 7:34)  But where does the Word speak of the gradual process of progressive sanctification? I have found what appear to be two clear references which use the language of holy/sanctify to describe this ongoing process.  "Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely , and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of ...

"Over here!" Some thoughts on the North West Gospel Partnership conference in Wigan

Today was a great day-conference in Wigan, run by the North West Gospel Partnership . It was great to hear preaching (rather than just delivering it). As well as a great opportunity for fellowship and networking, there were plenty of points to be encouraged by and ponder. The speaker was Ray Ortlund from Tennessee, USA. Oxana and I were wondering which "islands/coastlands" were meant in Isaiah 42? Based on Psalm 72:10 maybe they included the Balearic islands, colonised by the Phoenicians, as was Tarshish, known from the book of Jonah. We are also within our rights to apply these words and promises to our own British isles, and other island nations, such as Japan.  The Biblical notion of "justice" is also fascinating. This was a key dimension to Jesus' ministry: delivering to people what God had promised them, and there what is our "due". A God-centred, Biblical angle on "human rights".  Jesus' word beckoning worn-out disciples to receive ...