979? First Church on the site of the present Parish Church (the picture below is an artist's impression of Bury parish church in 1485) 1585 Parish church (re)built in the gothic style . 1662+ Chapel on Bass Lane for Henry Pendlebury of Holcombe , supported by Richard Kay , and others ejected from the C of E (replaced in 1712 by Dundee Chapel, Holcombe) 1669 The vicar of the parish reported to the Bishop of Chester that he heard that several conventicles were 'constantly kept at private houses of Independents, Presbyterians, Dippers and other such like jointly, of the bset rank of the yeomanry and other inferiors.' 1689 The passing of the Toleration Act and services held openly by a congregation at Bast House, Walmersley, the home of Richard Kay, 1712 Edward Rothwell , became minister of what would become Bank Street Presbyterian Church, Bury. He ministered at ...