It's Easter again. The annual cycle of the Christian calendar "forces" you to revisit the central events and truths of the faith at least once a year. The "run-up" to Easter, Lent, is 40 days plus 6 Sundays of Lent - plenty of time to reflect on the events of the first Easter. Looking back over the years, I have distinct memories of celebrating Easter on various occasions. One Easter I remember well is 1991. I was on holiday with my family on the island of Jersey in 1991. This was shortly after what I consider the moment of my conversion in February 1991. The service I attended on that occasion included the rousing Easter hymn, "Thine be the glory." The two weeks or so at that time were a significant time of spiritual growth for me. I also keenly remember celebrating Easter in Novosibirsk, Russia in 1996. Russian Easter is on a different date and is a far bigger "deal" than Christmas. At the service in the Baptist church, again and agai...