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Avernes and the Huguenots

We have just returned from a holiday in France, where we were staying in the village of Avernes, about 40 minutes from Paris. Avernes is in the département of Val d'Oise in the region of Ile-de-France (the region around Paris).

At first glance, Avernes is just a quiet village - ideal for a quiet family holiday. As we went exploring, however, we discovered some fascinating things.

For one thing, carved into the stonework of the ancient church were the words, "Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité". It turned out that during the period of "Dechristianisation" in 1793-4, the church was taken over to be a "Temple of Reason".

Even more fascinating was a non-descript little historical notice on a wall. It turned out that from 1563 to 1685, there was a Reformed church in the village. This was destroyed literally days after the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685; this was when the rights of Protestant Christians were rescinded.

I have not been able to find out much about the church at Avernes, but I am fascinated. This part of France was quite receptive to the Reformation and it was here that Calvin took refuge after the Affair of the Placards in Paris in 1534. The church was built in 1563 under the patronage of Catherine De Medicis and served Avernes and nearby Mantes. One of the pastors was called Billot. It stood for more than 120 years. It was knocked down just days after the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685, and one year later was given to a monastic order called the Sisters of Vincent Paul, who used what remained of the "Temple" for many years before it was destroyed by fire. A large monastic building with statue of Mary etc. is still standing where the Temple once stood.


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